“We care for the Earth, by providing products which mimic nature to accentuate its bounty, and produce remarkable results”.
Sectors Served
We provide a blend of regenerative treatments and amendments to fix broken and deficient soil, to deliver the maximum nutrient value to the plants it grows, and to help growers to gradually overcome their soil’s chemical dependency habit.
Here are the sectors we serve. Please click on the one that interests you the most, to see how we help.
regenerative – irrigated (pivot, drip, spray); and non-irrigated farmland.
Irrigated farm fields
The Rainmaker Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) oxidates irrigation water to turn it into “rainwater”, and also oxidizes the dissolved minerals to make natural fertilizers to feed the soil microbes rejuvenated by the oxygen supply. This process also desalinates and de-compacts the crucial top layer of soil, enabling water to penetrate and be absorbed many times faster – and in far greater volumes – than typical low-carbon compacted soils.
Irrigated AND non-irrigated farm fields
- Bionoc Fungal Enrichment – the fungally intensive static pile compost, irrigated daily with Rainmaker treated well water, supercharges the soil microlife, supplying many crucial micronutrients to the crops. This increases the crops’ nutrient value and also repels pests by increasing the brix levels, which makes the crop unpalatable to insects. Bionoc can also results a significant drawdown of atmospheric carbon in a no-till or low-till farming environment.
- Bionoc Compost-Making Equipment – we can provide Johnson-Su bioreactor supplies, together with the Rainmaker AOP system to manufacture fungally rich compost that can be added to any field – irrigated or non-irrigated.
- Bionoc Wood Vinegar – the distilled, slightly acidic essence of wood that protects trees from harm while alive- is extracted through slow pyrolysis of renewable biomass. WV both repells pests and greatly enhances photosynthesis.
- Bionoc Biocarbon (or “Biochar”) – this fundamental soil element acts as a permanent “home” for mycelium/ mycorrhizal network, anchoring it as it extends its powerful impact throughout the farming area. It is also a key component of the richest soil ever discovered – “terra preta” – which is still being mined and distributed from the Amazon basin.
Greenhouses, nurseries, garden centres, sod farms and retail outlets.
The entire Soilcare.Earth product line can be used in the key horticultural applications, and distributed in its outlets.
The smallest model of Rainmaker AOP, the MK1, is sufficient to irrigate the average greenhouse, typically one machine per pump. It will deliver highly oxygen-saturated water to the root system, much of which consists of mycelium/mycorrhizae which converts the oxidated minerals in the water to rich, non-chemical plant food.
As with the outdoor farm application, Bionoc mycelium fungi, delivered through the greenhouse irrigation water, will feast on both the oxygen delivered, and the oxidated minerals from that water.
Wood vinegar, in the correct concentration, has been observed to eradicate some of the most harmful molds and other contaminants overnight, specifically on citrus trees. It can also be used effectively as a foliar spray to improve photosynthesis in low natural light conditions.
Biochar has also been used effectively in small quantities in greenhouse pods, as a catalyst for the microlife to root and intensify.
Nurseries and Garden Centres
As with greenhouses, the combined Soilcare product line can be used to enhance germination and development of plants that are being grown for wholesale and retail sale. In fact, nurseries and garden centres provide an ideal environment to test different combinations of the core products, to see which particular configuration works best for the plants being grown.
One requirement for the installation of the small RainMaker is the ability to generate adequate pressure to activate the AOP process. Let’s discuss!
Golf, soccer, football, baseball, rugby, etc.
The RainMaker technology, in concert with the Bionoc soil amendment, offer major environmental and cost-savings benefits to the operators of the different turf-based sports.
In particular, golf courses can be major beneficiaries of the Rainmaker’s ability to make key surfaces, primarily greens, “hydrophilic”. Many currently suffer from compaction, and mineralization, from both fertilizers and irrigation water, with the result that they become “hydrophobic” and even repel natural rainwater. This creates a vicious cycle of fertilization, irrigation and runoff – resulting in algae blooms in surrounding waterways, and persistent pooling in low points. This effect can be quickly attenuated by the installation of a Rainmaker system.
For larger playing surfaces, primarily field sports, similar to no-till agriculture, a small Rainmaker could have a major effect on the quality and permeability of the entire surface, enabling the reduction of the use of fertilizers and other chemicals. There is also a potential for the use of Bionoc to build a strong subsoil microlife, unaffected by tilling and similar disturbances.
Federal, regional and local government lands; highway lands, rights of way, etc.
Governments are increasingly concerned about the low and deteriorating quality of their lands, and are becoming aware of the need to enhance their carbon-drawdown potential. The Bionoc product, which can be distributed in a variety of ways, offers the best, most proven approach to this, and a key partner is already in early discussions with both the United Nations and a major US Federal Department on these matters.
Corporate owned and/or managed lands.
Lands owned by Corporations, including corporate campus lands, and corporate headquarters, are ideally placed to benefit from the carbon-drawdown capabilities of Soilcare’s Bionoc product. As noted in the product description, there is almost a decade of field trials illustrating the potential for the product to draw down up as much as 12 tonnes of atmospheric CO2 per hectare annually.
Larger corporate lands can measure and utilize their efforts to draw down atmospheric carbon by using a product proven over a decade to capture a much higher than normal quantity of atmospheric carbon and store it in the soil.
Lands stewarded by domestic and International not-for-profit agencies; Educational sector – school and college lands.
The complete Soilcare product line can be leveraged to have both a real effect on the quality of the stewarded lands, and a measurable positive impact on climate change.
Integrated Solution
Soilcare.Earth brings together four powerful forces for the regeneration of soil, and the renewal of productive capacity, by ending the chemical dependency that many farms have developed over the past decades. We combine the Rainmaker with a powerful fungal enrichment, the miracle of wood vinegar, and the sustainability of biocarbon (biochar). We call it the “Soilcare
Intervention”, and we are committed to bringing it to growers and land stewards around the world.

The Bionoc Big Three PowerPack

Chairman & CEO