Background On The Origins Of Our Bionoc Fungal Enrichment Product – Originally “Beam”
Dr. David Johnson, Adjunct Professor for the College of Agriculture at CSU, and Faculty Affiliate for the Center for Regenerative Agriculture, is investigating the use of biological soil enhancements and their effect on soil fertility in crop land and carbon...
BEAM plus adaptive grazing can sequester carbon
BEAM (Bionoc Fungal Enrichment) plus adaptive grazing can sequester carbon (up to 20 tons per hectare per year in the soil) Research by Dr. Johnson, and the long term experience of farmers such as Gabe Brown in North Dakota, have shown that in addition to a high...
Five Principles of Soil Health
Implementing these enlightened soil health practices helps increase soil carbon by nearly 20 tons/hectare annually: eliminating the need for fertilizer, increasing water infiltration and retention, reducing the impacts of...
Benefits of Composting
By: Tony Humble, Chairman & CEO, Soilcare.Earth Most composts are viewed as nutrient sources, and the recommendations for applying them are based on the composts’ nitrogen and phosphorus content. In addition to composts’ role as nutrient sources, however, a...
BEAM (Bionoc Fungal Enhancement) Benefits and Comparison Photos
Seed germination increases from 80% up to 100% and increase plant growth
Regenerating the Savannas, Savory style – Ricardo Aguirre’s Project for the Ages
By: Tony Humble, Chairman & CEO, Soilcare.Earth Corp. Ricardo Aguirre, a consulting engineer with West Consultants in AZ, is a man on a mission. His goal is to demonstrate how direct intervention can reverse the creeping desertification of the US Southwest, and...
Water – the “Missing” Ingredient in Regenerative Agriculture
If you were to take a survey of all the articles, promotions, funding announcements and the ever-increasing hubbub around the drive toward regenerative agriculture, you would undoubtedly believe that it’s “all in the soil”. The truth is that, as fundamental as soil is...

Chairman & CEO